Almost done...
Need to implement a kickdown for the weekly timer event (requires a way to interpolate 7 day cycle out of monthly calendar data. Probably implement a counter to log everytime "day" changes and when it hits 7 execute kickdown and reset timer.
Other stuff ("learning") would just be calling appropriate values from our huge array and averaging them. Also implementing the finalized serial communication (Xbee?) between processing and arduino.
also: pachube
also: graph of pachube

import processing.serial.*;// import the serial library
Serial port;
PFont f = createFont("Knockout-HTF91-UltmtMiddlewt", 96, true);
PFont g = createFont("Knockout-HTF91-UltmtMiddlewt", 48, true);
int cels = 19;
int temp = 5;
int cal_x = 1000;
int cal_y = 600;
int multi = 25;
int counter = 0;
int minutetracker = 0;
int hourtracker = 0;
int years = 2;
int weeks = 52;
int days = 7;
int hours = 24;
float[][][][] userTempArray = new float[years][weeks][days][hours];
int[] hourlog = new int[59];
//up/down arrows set user temp
void keyPressed() {
if (key == CODED) {
switch(keyCode) {
case (LEFT):
cels -= 1;
case (RIGHT):
cels += 1;
void setup() {
size(1920, 1080);
println(Serial.list()); // prints out the serial ports available
port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);// change to correct com port(1) which is displayed by the previous line
background(0); // color of the backround
for (int i = 0; i < years; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < weeks; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < days; k++) {
for (int l = 0; l < hours; l++) {
// for (int m = 0; j < halfhours; m++) {
userTempArray[i][j][k][l] = 0;
// }
void draw() {
background(#000000); //Make the background black
textFont(g); //Set the font
fill(#ffffff); // Set the forground color white
text("user input:", 820, 540);
text("(c)", 1265, 540);
text("temperature:", 747, 740);
text("(c)", 1265, 740);
textFont(f); //Set the font
fill((255+((cels-temp)*multi)), (255-((cels-temp)*multi)), (255-((cels-temp)*multi)));
text(cels, 1120, 540);
fill((255-((cels-temp)*multi)), (255+((cels-temp)*multi)), (255+((cels-temp)*multi)));
text(temp, 1120, 740);
String g = str(year())+"/"+str(month())+"/"+str(day())+"_"+str(hour())+":"+str(minute())+":"+str(second());
text (g, 150, 250);
//take time all at once to avoid timing errors
int secondtracker = second();
int minutetracker = minute();
int hourtracker = hour();
//UI simulating temperature change
//********COMMENT OUT for final************
if (frameCount%30==0) //take frame count, divide by 30 (3 seconds), when remainder == 0, execute
if (cels > temp){
if (cels < temp){
if (frameCount%60==0){
if (cels == temp)
if (temp < 20)
if (temp > 20)
//every 58 seconds, take current usertemp
if (frameCount%580==0)
hourlog[minutetracker] = cels;
int minutestemp = hourlog[minutetracker];
println(hour()+":"+minute()+"'s user temp is *"+minutestemp+"* degrees celsius");
//at XX:59:56, average data in hourly log, dump to userTempArray, clear hourly log
if (minute() == 59 && second() == 56) //at XX:59:56
float average = 0; //set average to 0 (clear)
for ( int i = 0; i < hourlog.length; ++i ) //add all values in hourlog[]
average += hourlog[i];
average /= (float)(hourlog.length); //set average to above sum divided by length of hourlog[]
userTempArray[0][0][0][hourtracker] = average; //assign average to userTempArray for it's respective hour
println( hour()+"'s average user temp "+average );
delay(1001); //delay 1s so XX:59:56 cannot reoccur until next hour
for ( int i = 0; i < hourlog.length; ++i ) //clear hourlog[
hourlog[i] = 0;
//at 23:59:58 take
if (hour() == 23 && minute() == 59 && second() == 58)
for (int i = 6; i > 0; i--)
for (int j = 23; j >= 0; j--)
userTempArray[0][0][i][j] = userTempArray[0][0][i-1][j-1];
for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
userTempArray[0][0][0][i] = 0;
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